Meet the Demon Priest
The Demon Priest is an urban fantasy novel that brings fallen angels into a world already inhabited by superheroes, aliens and fairy folk. “How the Hell can a priest be a demon or a demon be a priest?” you might ask. Those are the very questions that the book sets out to answer. Along the way, it explores a number of very human questions of free will, repentance, redemption, and personal responsibility.
From the perspective of our world, the story started when I was creating a setting for a superhero role playing game. I had created an image of a character known as “The Demon Prince”. When telling a friend about him, I mistakenly called him “the Demon Priest”. I corrected myself immediately, but it was too late—over the next hour, I called him the Demon Priest several more times. Frustrated, I declared it was a ridiculous mistake to make—the whole notion of a “demon priest” made no sense. And so, a few days later, I found myself writing his story.
Even my narrator agreed that it was a crazy notion. Chapter 1 starts out:
Look, I know I’m not supposed to say these things. If I do, then I’ll need my meds again, and when I forget them, I’ll have to go to the Safe Place again. I shouldn’t tell you these things. If I do, you have to promise me that you won’t tell anyone I said them. Promise?
I was one of the first to see him, probably the first. He stepped out through the wall. Not a door in the wall, out through the wall. I know, walls don’t do that. I didn’t see it. Couldn’t. They just say that he stepped out through a wall. It was a brick wall, old, old bricks, a brick wall in an alley off of Washington Street, in a bad part of New Acadia, where nobody sees anything, especially not me.
Work in progress. To be continued…